Charity is not about Pity, it is about Love.

Mother Teresa


Women Empowerment:

The global economy is losing out on at least $7 trillion of economic gains each year due to a failure to reach gender parity in the workforce. Donating to charities focused on empowering women and girls is not just a matter of social justice; it’s also a strategic investment in a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable world for all. Women empowerment boosts up the following elements:

  1. Economic Empowerment: Provide women with skills training, financial literacy programs, and access to microfinance opportunities to enable them to generate income and become financially independent.
  2. Education: Ensure access to quality education for girls and women, including scholarships, mentoring programs, and initiatives to reduce dropout rates and promote lifelong learning.
  3. Healthcare: Improve access to healthcare services, including reproductive health education, maternal care, and programs addressing gender-specific health issues, to enhance the overall well-being of women and girls.
  4. Gender Equality: Advocate for and support initiatives that promote gender equality in all spheres of life, including equal rights, opportunities, and representation in decision-making processes at the community, national, and international levels.
  5. Leadership Development: Develop leadership skills among women and girls through training, mentorship, and networking opportunities, enabling them to take on leadership roles in their communities and workplaces.
  6. Legal Rights: Provide legal assistance and awareness programs to help women understand and assert their rights, including protection against gender-based violence, discrimination, and exploitation.
  7. Technology and Innovation: Promote the use of technology and innovation to empower women economically and socially, including initiatives that provide access to digital literacy training, entrepreneurship opportunities, and online platforms for networking and skill-building.
  8. Community Engagement: Foster community participation and collaboration in women empowerment efforts through awareness campaigns, community dialogues, and partnerships with local organizations and stakeholders.
  9. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect: Promote cultural sensitivity and respect for diverse backgrounds and perspectives, ensuring that women from all walks of life are included and valued in empowerment initiatives.
  10. Sustainability and Impact: Implement sustainable programs and initiatives that have a measurable impact on women’s lives, and continually evaluate and adapt strategies based on feedback and lessons learned.

Services to God’s children:

  1. Provide Basic Needs: Ensure orphaned children have access to nutritious food, clean water, shelter, and clothing, addressing their immediate survival needs.
  2. Education: Offer quality education opportunities to orphaned children, including formal schooling, vocational training, and life skills development, to empower them for future success.
  3. Healthcare: Ensure access to healthcare services, including medical check-ups, vaccinations, and mental health support, to promote the overall well-being of orphaned children.
  4. Safe and Supportive Environment: Create a nurturing and safe environment for orphaned children, free from abuse, exploitation, and discrimination, where they can thrive emotionally and socially.
  5. Emotional Support and Counseling: Provide emotional support and counseling services to help orphaned children cope with grief, trauma, and loss, and develop resilience and positive coping mechanisms.
  6. Family Reintegration or Alternative Care: Facilitate efforts to reunite orphaned children with extended family members whenever possible, or provide alternative care options such as foster care or adoption, ensuring each child has a stable and loving environment.
  7. Life Skills Development: Equip orphaned children with essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving, and financial literacy, to prepare them for independent living and future employment.
  8. Community Integration: Promote the inclusion and integration of orphaned children into the wider community, fostering social connections and networks of support beyond the charity’s immediate care facilities.
  9. Advocacy and Awareness: Advocate for the rights and well-being of orphaned children at local, national, and international levels, raising awareness about their needs and promoting policies and practices that support their rights and interests.
  10. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of programs and interventions, seeking feedback from orphaned children, caregivers, and other stakeholders to continuously improve services and outcomes.

Secrets of a successful charity:

“What good did the creature of the earth do to the clouds that pour the rain? So indeed should you serve society seeking no return. There is no pleasure in this world or in the other world equal to the joy of being helpful to those around you. Do not lose the opportunity for this rare pleasure.


Organizing Old Age homes:

The major advantage of this idea is that, all the orphaned kids have the support of senior citizens who themselves are neglected by their kith and kin. The kids do not feel that they are born as orphans and they can select one or more of the tens of senior citizens as their father, mother, grandma or grandpa. In return, the senior citizens get love and affection from hundreds of tiny tots when they need it the most in their life.

Sharing and Caring:

Food insecurity is on the rise around the world. Conflict, inflation and climate extremes have combined for an unprecedented food crisis. The cost to deliver food assistance is at an all-time high and a rise in life-threatening hunger has followed. 

According to the latest data from the World Food Program, 828 million people don’t know where their next meal is coming from.   

With the support of a growing team of volunteers, Food For The Poor illustrates the power of one – one caring heart.  Those big-hearted people unite to form a group of compassionate volunteers joined in a mission to save lives.

Role of charities during Natural calamities:

 Nearly half of the population who are facing extreme poverty live in just 16 climate-vulnerable, conflict-affected countries. These nations are already struggling with the harsh realities of the climate crisis, with more frequent and intense natural disasters wreaking havoc on people’s lives. 

People are losing their homes and incomes, and conflicts are intensified. These countries, however, are responsible for less than 3% of global greenhouse emissions. It is more necessary than ever for the world to take action on climate change.  

Supporting vulnerable communities in the face of climate crises is one of the primary objectives of charities. They work with a clear understanding of the specific needs of local communities and focus on climate adaptation, resilience, and crisis response. Below, gain an insight into the ongoing efforts to assist people around.

Stories about the Seeds of love grown as Trees – from Global Watche Trust:

Akash-An A.R. Analyst:

Came at the age of thirteen, Akash was a child, brought up by a single parent from a wayside. Due to poverty and helplessness, his mother decided to put in him in the Global Watche Trust of Tiruvannamalai, with a hope that he would get a better living. As per his mom’s wish, Akash has become an AR Analyst by pursuing his education through the trust. He spent his days there, got all those basic necessities along with essential supplements like Love, care, home-like-feel, nearness felt as family. Perhaps, he got an issue in his throat, which was operated at once and cured. The Trust took the entire cost of his surgery and made him comfortable .Later, his sister had also joined with him to taste the sweetness of parenthood. Today, she is a successful beautician. They assume Mr.Sathyan ,the founder, as their Godfather and shower love over him- now and forever.

There are many children around the town, who were benefitted by this trust.

Other Philanthropic activities:

  • Providing medical camps
  • Cleaning the mountain areas by removing Plastics
  • Donating to the needy during natural calamities
  • Conducting Awareness programs about harmful diseases.


Our participation in serving such noble causes not only enriches the lives of others, but also fosters a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose within ourselves. By extending a helping hand – whether through donations, volunteering, or advocacy, we become catalysts for positive change, weaving a tapestry of kindness and empathy that transcends boundaries and unites us in our shared humanity. Let us continue to embrace the transformative power of charity, for in serving others, we ultimately discover the true essence of our own humanity.

“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving”

அன்பின் வழியது உயிர்நிலை அஃதிலார்க்கு
என்புதோல் போர்த்த உடம்பு.

அன்பை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டதே உயிர் நிறைந்த இந்த உடம்பு, அன்பு மட்டும் இல்லை என்றால் இந்த உடம்பு வெறும் எலும்பின்மேல் தோலைப் போர்த்தியது போன்றது ஆகும்

The body alone which is inspired with love contains a living soul: if void of it, (the body) is bone overlaid with skin.

By Iswarya

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