Blogging has changed massively from what it was a decade ago. The perfect blog post that ranks comes down to a formula (not an art).

How you create a blog post that ranks

Focus on one target keyword per post

  • Validate the kw with research

Search intent

  • Transactional
  • Informational

Format is determined by intent

  • Transactional = short, list articles, reviews, comparisions.
  • Informational = longer form posts that teach and educate.
  • Think like a scientist, not an artist.
  • Follow as SEO checklist.
Use tools to make the process easier:
  • Rank Math for SEO.
  • SurferSEO to improve the content.
  • TOC plugin.
  • Block plugin (Kadence).
  • Content at scale.

Post structure

Search intent determines your post layout and structure.

  • Transactional intent: list posts that reviews products. They want to buy.
  • Informational intent: longer form content that teaches a topic in depth.

Search Intent: Transactional

List posts. “Best of” articles with reviews. These are your money-makers.

Great for:

  • keeping people on the page.
  • getting clicks to your affiliate links.

Search Intent: Transactional article structure:

  • Article headline.
  • Intro copy.
  • “Best of” affiliate content boxes.
  • Leading paragraph into the review.
  • Table of contents.
  • Reviews laid out in numbers:
  1. Product #1
  2. Product #2
  3. Product #3
  • Further reading.
  • Summary.

Search Intent: Informational article structure

  • Article headline.
  • Intro copy.
  • What you will learn paragraph.
  • Body copy.
  • Broken up with h2 and h3 headlines for clarity.
  • FAQ section.
  • Summary.

Approach this like a scientist

Every blog post is like a mini business.

Your goal is to:

  • Follow a similar formula (layout, structure, content style).
  • Create a framework that you can eventually scale with outsourcing.
  • Be able to make decisions based on analytics and results.

Your blog is not a creative writing project.

Follow an SEO checklist

Every post should be optimized to the hilt for Google search rankings.

  • URL.
  • headline.
  • intro paragraph.
  • first H2 heading.
  • body copy.
  • summary.
  • images with keywords.
  • schema.
  • meta description.

Target keyword goes in url

This can’t be changed, so make sure it’s perfect.

Target keyword goes in your H1 title

You can use different variation of the headline, but make sure the target keyword is there.

Goal: make your content sticky + end the search journey

User Experience is a major Google ranking factor

  • You’re writing for humans first, robots second.
  • You want the search journey to END with your content.

By Dhruba

3 thoughts on “How to Write The Perfect Blog Post”
  1. Hi Dhruba,
    Your blog is neat and simple with precise content. Please add some more informations elaborately so that the readers can gain more knowledge about the topic they look for. You may also opt some font styles to make the outlook better. Using catchy words and phrases, make the viewers to explore and induce the eagerness to grasp your blog often. My best wishes for your upcoming blogs! and Happy Blogging!!

  2. Hello Dhurba!!
    I saw your blog. you given how to write the blog very well and good content step by step but, give some more content would be nice. keep up the good blog!!

  3. Hi Dhruba!
    I saw your blog which shows that you have good content writing skills. Apart from that, I would suggest you to work on your fonts and spacing and maintain a gap between the images and the writing which will give a better representation of work and creativity. Keep blogging!

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