What is HTML?

Imagine a website as a blank canvas. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the artist’s toolkit. It provides the structure and content for a webpage, using tags to define different sections. These tags act like instructions, telling the web browser what to display and how to organize it.

For example, the <h1> tag indicates a heading, while the <p> tag defines a paragraph. By combining these tags, you can create the basic framework of your website.

Building with Tags

Think of tags like building blocks. You can use the <h1> tag for your main title, followed by <p> tags for descriptive text. Images are added with the <img> tag, and links are created using the <a> tag. The possibilities are endless!

Here’s a simple example:

Enter CSS: The Stylist

Now that you have the structure, it’s time to add some flair! This is where CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, comes in. CSS is like the website’s stylist, responsible for its visual appearance.

Using CSS, you can control aspects like font size, color, background images, and layout. Imagine changing the font of your heading to a bold, blue color, or adding a decorative background image to your entire webpage. With CSS, you can achieve these transformations and more!

Here’s an example how to style body using css

By working together, HTML and CSS allow you to create visually appealing and informative websites. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned developer, understanding these fundamental building blocks is key to unlocking the world of web development.

By Abdul

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